
Hello, fellow book lovers :)

In this group, we meet regularly once a month to discuss a book written by a woman, either originally in English or in translation. This is a group for readers of all genders who wish to broaden their reading horizons by reading more books by women authors. You can read the books in whatever language you prefer, but the discussions will be held in English. As for the books, I am primarily interested in modern classics and literary fiction, but the group decides which book to read each month.

This book club was primarily inspired by Joanna Walsh's #ReadWomen2014 initiative, which aimed at taking action against the fact that books by women are marginalised by newspapers and literary journals. I was also inspired by Meytal Radzinski's #ReadWITMonth (Read Women In Translation Month) project, which aims to promote women writers from around the world who write in languages other than English.The podcasts #thereadingwomen and #frauenschreibenauch were also a great inspiration for me. More recently, German bookbloggers Nicole Seifert and Lisa created the #AutorinnenSchuber project, to draw attention to books written by women.

As our beloved Virginia Woolf wrote in A Room of One's Own (1929), 
"I would venture to guess that Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman." 

In this book club, the idea is to reclaim half of our bookshelves by reading books by women.

How to join: Meetup

I am looking forward to meeting you! :)
